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Funny Quotes About Bad Bosses

Funny Quotes About Bad Bosses

"The best way to motivate employees is to set low expectations and then exceed them."


Every workplace needs a bit of venting from time to time. And what better way to do that than with some funny quotes about bad bosses?

We've all had them. The boss who micromanages everything you do. The boss who takes all the credit for your work. The boss who's just plain incompetent.

But hey, at least they give us something to laugh about. Here are a few of our favorite funny quotes about bad bosses:

  • "The best way to motivate employees is to set low expectations and then exceed them." -Unknown
  • "A boss is someone who is always right, even when they're wrong." -Unknown
  • "The only thing worse than a bad boss is a good boss who doesn't know they're bad." -Unknown
  • "A bad boss is like a bad haircut. You can't just grow it out, you have to get rid of it." -Unknown
  • "The only thing worse than a boss who doesn't know what they're doing is a boss who thinks they know everything." -Unknown

So if you're feeling down about your boss, just remember that you're not alone. And hey, at least you have these funny quotes to make you laugh.
